Ribbit Ribbit!

     We welcomed our new frog friends today to our Eye Spy Box.  We left our worms and grass which is growing fantastically for our environment.  We added a stick and watering bowl for our new friends.  I am hoping the frogs will eat the fruit flies that have been buzzing around from our simple compost for the worms.  The children really enjoyed watching the frogs jump around and cling to the sides of the Eye Spy Box.  They were able to see their bellies and watch their sticky feet climb all over as they explored their new environment.  When we first released the frogs they were the color of olive green but later they adapted to their environment and turned brown to match the dirt!  They surprised us changing their color as we searched later in the day to find them!  The children really enjoyed hopping around and pretending to be frogs.  What a hoppy day!

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