Pretzel Making!

     Today we explored the world of pretzel making!  The children had fun scooping and pouring flour, sugar, and salt together with various spoons, measuring cups, and bowls.  They were able to measure their own ingredients as they played back and forth between bowls.  Eventually all the dry ingredients made it into one big bowl and we added our water, yeast, and oil.  They diligently began kneading our dough together as they all worked together.  Children practiced rolling out their dough into snakes, balls, and doughnuts.  They made sure no dough was left rolled out!  We saved some dough for our pizza for lunch and used the rest for our pretzels.  The children were head to toe in flour and looked like ghosts at the end of our pretzel making.  They left footprints down the hall as they raced for the play yard!  We left our dough to rise and went outside to play.  Outside we practiced simple voting and decision making as each child was asked what kind of pretzel they would like, either chocolate chip or cinnamon and sugar.  Most votes were for chocolate chip of course, but two children voted for cinnamon and sugar.   We all decided to make one baking sheet of pretzels chocolate chip and the other cinnamon and sugar.  Simple choices but everyone felt a part of our baking process!  After our delicious homemade pizza for lunch the children  picked their tasty treat.  All the children picked a chocolate chip pretzel.  What happened to the two children who wanted cinnamon and sugar!!!!  Chocolate always prevails!

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