"Sandy" our Lizard Friend

     Our "I Spy" Box was occupied this month with our friend "Sandy" the lizard.  Cade named him  Sandy because he likes to bury himself in the sand.  He plays peek a boo with us as he hides under the sand and then reappears as the sun shines in on his tank to sun himself.  We enjoyed observing Sandy over the month as the children would always ask to look at the lizard if he were hiding and we would unbury him for everyone to see.  After weeks of looking at Sandy it was time to let him free, but before we let him back into the forest, we got a closer look at our friend.  The children were excited to see Sandy crawl all over Fred especially when he crawled on top of his hat.  We were able to examine his body showing his beautiful blue belly and long fingernails.  We said good-bye and thanks for being a great friend to us as we let him go.  The children lined up along the fence to watch as our friend wandered into the forest!

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