Homemade Ornaments!

     We made some beautiful homemade ornaments for the Christmas tree today with Mallory.  The children enjoyed poking their toothpicks into their styrofoam balls creating their own version of an ornament and various snowflakes.  Wyatt made a snowman out of his balls and toothpicks!  Some of the children poked pieces of fabric into their balls with their toothpicks creating a fabric ornament.  Mallory also taught us to make ornaments using glass balls with paint and glitter.  The children liked squeezing the paint into the tiny opening of their fragile glass ball.  They worked with care to pick up pieces of glitter to put into their ball.  Ooops! A couple were broken! Cedar inspired us to squeeze our paint onto the table with our glitter to make beautiful prints as we pressed paper on top of the paint.  Cade and Rylan were very proud of their ornaments and wanted to hang them on our Christmas tree as soon as we finished.  Thank you Mallory for leading our art time today!

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