8 Little Ladybugs

     Today we painted red ladybugs adding to our spring theme in our home.  Cade and Rylan saw ladybugs camping over the weekend and commented how we saw a ladybug with no spots.  We love our ladybug friends when they start arriving in the summer welcoming the warm weather.  Glueing our ladybug spots was the highlight of our activity as pools of glue poured on spots and on hands!  Cade glued on as many spots as he could get on his ladybug while other children were more concerned with how much glue they could get on one spot!  Lyla liked to squeeze her entire bottle of glue in one spot and see the glue pool together with the color red.  Our ladybugs will join our bumblebee and butterfly friends as they hang in our window...waiting for summer to arrive! 

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