"Little Explorers" River Picnic 7-25-11

     We had great adventures on our walk to the river today.   Everyone enjoyed having a "buddy" as they held hands on our walk.  All we heard were giggles as everyone held hands and walked down the road.  Some children helped push our wagon of toys and lunch helping Fred along the way.  We found many wildflowers along the way including Rocket, Lupine, and Yarrow.  The children especially enjoyed the tall grass on this trip to the river.  They ran through the long weeds and were tickled creating many giggles and smiles!  We made it to the river and set up our lunch spot where everyone enjoyed their tasty lunch.  They couldn't wait to fling off shoes and socks and run through the water.  Splish splashin was the theme as little feet stomped around in the frigid water!  Soon mud pies were made, as their play moved from the cold water to on shore, where they could scoop and pour mud and water.  Our net was used to catch "fish" as many children explored scooping up sand and water.  The children enjoyed watching some boaters launch and waved to them as they floated away down stream.  What a fun day in the sun with our group of little ones!

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