Negative Space Chalk Art

     The children enjoyed exploring the world of negative space today drawing with chalk.  We cut a circle out in the middle of a piece of black paper and let the children explore with the open hole as they were drawing.  Some of the children used the hole to mimic a circle as they drew circles around the hole.  We also punched dinosaurs with our punch stamp to add to our negative space.  Cade discovered he could make chalk print dinosaurs on the table if he scribbled back and forth in the dinosaur hole.  Soon others followed drawing on all the other dinosaurs.  They also made dinosaur prints on a piece of white paper with their colored chalk.  Rylan made a "Barney" person next to his negative space circle.  The other children also enjoyed how vibrant the chalk colors would appear on their black paper.  They also experimented smearing the chalk across their papers.  What a fun way to change up the way we can draw!

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