Clay Sculptors

     Our little ones became master sculptors as they used their different tools in our earth clay.  I placed a big pile of clay on our table and everyone gathered around to touch the new medium.  They enjoyed the cold, moist feel of the clay and how it stained their hands red.  Many new sculpting tools were used to slice off pieces of the clay.  Corks were stamped into the clay and also used to roll out the clay flat on the table.  Construction trucks and cars left lasting imprints when rolled across the clay.  The children worked their fine motor skills while manipulating the harder clay.  They worked closely as a group gathering around the dough on the table with a plenitude of smiles and imaginary play.  Our clean-up crew came into action with many bubbles cleaning the stuck clay in all our construction trucks and cars.  They had to work hard at removing the clay as it stuck in every crevice but were rewarded by brown waterfalls of mud washing off.  What a great day with clay!

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