"Beeting" Hearts

     Our baked beet heart prints activity was over before it started!  What I thought would entertain the children for a long time only lasted minutes on the table.  I don’t know whether it was the smell and texture of the beets, or that the activity only offered limited imagination with the precut beet heart stampers.  The children stamped away at their paper leaving few prints then immediately rushed to the sink to wash their pink stained hands.  They had more fun playing in the water washing the peeled beet skins and making “soup”.  Perhaps they wanted the chance to make the activity their own and needed the opportunity to create something of their own.  Even though the heart prints on paper looked nice for Valentines day, next time I would change the activity to cubed baked beets that the children could squash with a block or mallet.  I think they would have more fun with a more interactive activity. Next time!

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