Fruit Loop Stomp Art!

     Our Fruit Loop stomp art got our bodies moving!  I gave the children fruit loops in a ziploc bag that they were instructed to crush in any way possible!  We put some Latin music on and got our stomp on!  They stomped, slapped, pinched, pressed, twirled, and hopped, as they crushed the little rainbow cereals.  We were making special rainbow "magic"dust to glue, is what I told them.  We used special tools to crush our cereal too.  After we made our dust the children squeezed glue all over their paper and pinched the magic dust to spread all over their glue.  We shook off the excess dust into a baking sheet pan which left beautiful jeweled webs of rainbow dust.  What a great activity to get our bodies moving in different ways.  Of course a little dust was lapped up off the table as the children couldn't resist the sweet wonderful smell of the cereal.  They were treated to a handful of the forbidden cereal to eat for a snack which they brought into the play kitchen for more adventures!

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