Block Painting

     Our block painting turned into some beautiful works of art.  We listened to Mozart music as the children pressed and slammed the wood blocks on top of blobs of colored paint on their papers.  Paint went splattering everywhere!  Note to self: Let's do this art project outside next time! Faces and bodies were speckled with paint with delight and some not!  Poor Benjamin didn't quite like this part of our project!  I added some white paint and the children mixed a beautiful array of pastel colors.  The blocks left artistic prints on their papers.  Hands soon began to fingerpaint and mix all the colors making a "pre-school grey" color, as we call it when all colors are always mixed together making grey or black!  Emilio our littlest one loved this project as he loved slamming his block up and down on his paper.  The sound of the blocks hitting the table was very auditory and loud!  We practiced block printing softly and loudly.  Even Caleb who isn't a fan of sensory art got enthused with this project.  At first Caleb just watched his friends and refused to pick up a block or have anything to do with the blobs of paint in front of him.  After everyone was finished and had moved on to the clean-up station...he finally decided to try it! Yeah!  I cheered him on as he splatted his paper.  I think he liked the auditory part of this project and played his own tune making his masterpiece!  Our clean-up crew came into action an meticulously  cleaned our blocks as best they could under running water.  Our blocks are now stained with color to remind us of our fun art project together!

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