Cheesecloth Texture Paintings

     Our texture paintings were true pieces of art!  I stapled cheesecloth and paper to some frames and let the children choose metallic gold or silver paint.  The shiny, metallic paint really gave our cheesecloth a beautiful finish.  Spatters of paint went everywhere when Rylan began slapping his painted hands on his paper, which we ended having to control as paint went flying all over the room!   The children enjoyed the texture of the cheesecloth as they rubbed their hands across their papers.  Soon faces were painted a metallic color as the children turned themselves into "robots".  Lyla of course was the first to paint her whole face as she work diligently making sure she didn't miss any part.  She even tried painting the back of her neck as she contorted her paintbrush to reach behind her head!  Caleb enjoyed a few strokes but when paint went flying he said he was done!  Emilio stabbed at his painting many times tearing the paper under the cheesecloth.  Cade and Alexandra cleaned their faces with a wet towel removing every inch of metallic paint on their faces and hands.  Lyla and Rylan continued to stay at the table conducting science experiments by transferring the gold and metallic paint from one ramekin to the next.  Soon all the ramekins became a leaning tower of Pisa.  The table then became one big canvas as they began finger painting across the table.  The music I had playing for this art project was Baby Vivaldi and truly enhanced the children's experience.  After the paintings were dry I removed the paper behind the cheesecloth to reveal see through paintings.  We hung them up in our windows to enjoy looking at our beautiful works of art.

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