Can You Find Me?

     The children really had a hoot playing our hide and seek whistle game.  Each child took turns hiding, then they would whistle to call all the other children to find them.  Our house doesn't have many hidden places to hide but the children didn't care and enjoyed the sneaky hiding and seeking.  Matteus found the best hiding spot under our jeep.  I don't know his body fit underneath in the small space but he managed to lie like a pancake beneath the jeep!  He also found a good hiding spot behind our couch.  The children couldn't find him at first but as he chirped away at the whistle they finally found him crouching behind the couch!  This of course became the favorite place to hide as many children took turns maneuvering themselves over the couch into the small space.  I hid with the children in the playroom as we all were quiet and pretending to be sneaky!  Then as we started hearing the chirps from the whistle we all ran into the other room to seek out our friend.  The children played this over and over and loved finding their friends in the familiar spot!  Caleb really enjoyed running down the hall to find a friend.  Adding the whistle to the familiar hide and seek game was a great auditory addition to the theme of the month of our 5 senses.  This activity got our bodies moving and made our senses aware!

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