A Sticky Situation!

     We had fun painting with sweetened condensed milk today which was a sweet sticky mess!  I gave the children black construction paper with yellow and red paint.  They swirled the colors together painting with sweetened condensed milk.  The sticky, heavy consistency of the condensed milk was a different medium that the children were used to painting with.  The heavy, creamy, opaque paint mixed well with the red and yellow and produced tie-dye pictures. The children also made the color orange by mixing the red and yellow paint together.  Lyla was the first to discover the viscosity of the heavy paint by letting her paintbrush drip the heavy paint from above her paper.  The children enjoyed watching the paint ooze from their paintbrushes onto their papers.  Lyla swirled her paintbrush all around producing spider webs of the sticky stuff everywhere!  She always likes to end her painting with some sensory play as she painted her hands and wrists over and over letting the oozy paint squish between her fingers and watched as it oozed down to her paper.  Emilio enjoyed dabbing his paintbrush up and down on his paper making dots everywhere.  Even Caleb was fascinated by the strange substance and enjoyed a few strokes of painting on his paper.  The paintings on the black paper really were striking and the glossy effect from the condensed milk gave a beautiful shine.  What a great science and sensory art project!

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