Creative Thumbprinting

     Today we had a great activity with our stamp pads.  The children made thumb and finger prints on their papers and then I drew in with pen special friends.  The children got to choose which animal or friend they wanted by looking in our book by Ed Emberley "Great Thumbprint Drawing Book".  Cade and Rylan have made this book a favorite bedtime story as we flip through the pages each night.  They have been looking forward to this activity as they are familiar with all the silly animals and friends we can make with our fingerprints.  We made spiders, lions, elephants, witches, bees, dogs, bunnies, flowers, princesses, devils, cats, etc.!  Of course ink pads were pressed on faces and hands as the children turned a rainbow of colors.  Alexandra liked kissing the ink pad to make her lips purple.  Spencer pressed his orange ink pad on each of ears!  Rylan looked like the jolly green giant as he turned the color green like the shirt he was wearing.  Cade was a superhero as a blue mask around one eye emerged!   The children enjoyed this activity as it changed up our traditional stamping!

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