Torn Paper Collage

     Our Torn Paper Collage was one sticky mess!  We started our project by using our fine motor skills and tearing pieces of colored paper into strips and small pieces.  Then the children were given glue to adhere the torn pieces to their papers.  With all of our glue projects the children are all about how much glue they can squeeze on their paper.  Some strips of paper were meticulously placed in order on their paper.  Others placed strips of paper over globs of glue and smeared them all over the paper.  It was like the strips of paper were surfing on top of the glue!  Lyla liked scrunching a couple of strips of paper into a ball and pressing them in her pile of glue.  She also liked smearing glue on her cheek as she said to me "I'm making Santa beard!"  The finished products were abstractly beautiful as always but it is always the process not the product that is important to us around here.  The children worked on their fine motor skills tearing paper and squeezing glue.  Skills to help strengthen their muscles in their hands to help them control a pencil for early literacy! After our project the children loved peeling the dried glue from their fingers and hands!  Rylan looked into our mirror in the fort peeling away excess glue on his face.  He watched himself squirm from the glue stretching his skin away from his face!

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