Me Oh My It's Pizza Pie!

     Making pizza has become a tradition as the children love to watch the stand-up mixer knead our dough.  The process of making the dough, letting it rise, rolling out our dough, and adding our toppings adds to our morning of activities.  The children love the sensory feel of the dough and they eat bits and pieces in the process.  They children stretch the dough and smear sauce.  Then half the sprinkled cheese and pepperoni ends up on the floor or in their bellies!  The older children help me slide the pizza into the oven with our pizza peel.  Then we wait, and wait, and wait.   Twenty minutes is a long time in a little persons life so most of the children venture out playing while our pizza cooks.  The smell soon  fills our noses and our taste buds are aroused.  We finally hear the short beeps from our alarm telling us our masterpiece is finished.  Usually someone helps me unveil the bubbling cheesy pizza pie as we safely place it on the stove to cool.  Then we wait, and wait, and wait until it cools.  Yeah! Our pizza pie is done!! 

A poem by Jack Prelutsky
a PIZZA the Size of the SUN

I’m making a pizza the size of the sun,
a pizza that’s sure to weigh more than a ton,
a pizza too massive to pick up and toss,
a pizza resplendent with oceans of sauce.

I’m topping my pizza with mountains of cheese,
with acres of peppers, pimentos, and peas,
with mushrooms, tomatoes, and sausage galore,
with every last olive they had at the store.

My pizza is sure to be one of a kind,
my pizza will leave other pizzas behind,
my pizza will be a delectable treat
that all who love pizza are welcome to eat.

The oven is hot, I believe it will take
a year and a half for my pizza to bake.
I can hardly wait till my pizza is done,
my wonderful pizza the size of the sun.

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