White Sticky Collage

      The white sticky collage was a group effort as they placed different white material onto the sticky contact paper.  At first the children hoarded as many bubble-wrap squares I had in the pile, popping each bubble frantically with precision.  The group worked well with each other placing the long cut rectangle papers vertical or horizontal.  I had a few kinked and curled paper strips within the midst of things to stick on. What surprised me was the fact that all the children made sure each kinked or curled piece was stretched out flat as they placed it in it’s proper place on the collage.  If I placed a curled piece for abstract reasons onto the collage someone would quickly fix it by straightening it out!  Another developmental milestone that awaits these little ones...Abstract thinking!  They quickly will change the order of our wedgit blocks if I try to lay one up abstractly! Interesting how their brains function and how they are processing how things work!

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