Faux Oil Painting

     Cool-Whip has become a wonderful painting medium in our house.  The white, thick, and oily medium produces great works of art when mixed with colored paint.  The children love molding and mixing together the cool-whip and paint.  Of course a little taste of cool-whip is allowed before the mixing of the paint and the children enjoy a fingerful of the sweet treat!  The cold sensation from the cool-whip is a sensory experience along with the smooth, buttery feeling squishing between their hands.  Many designs are drawn on their papers as they finger paint through the paint concoction.  Many circles and lines are abstractly added to their papers and quickly erased by a swipe of a hand.  Cade drew a letter "C" for his name today as he has been practicing name recognition.  Many arms were painted to the elbow displaying beautiful gloves.  The white cool-whip mixed with our paint made beautiful shades of pastels before it was all mixed into a shade of gray.  What a beautiful pieces of art!

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