Science of Lemonade

     My goal of this group activity was to distinguish the difference between sour and sweet.  With our monthly theme of the 5 senses we set out to make our lemonade.  Everyone gathered at the table excited for our project.  Cade had been talking about it all week in anticipation.  We brought out many tools such as measuring spoons, scoops, little bowls, forks, and a cutting board.  I cut the lemons in half and instructed the children to try to squeeze the juice into their bowls.  Many tactics were used trying to squeeze the juice out of the lemon.  They all learned quickly that the juice was very acidic and began to sting their hands from any little cuts they had!  A remedy of a warm wet towel helped heal their stings.  They asked me to squeeze the rest of the juice from their lemons!  I asked the children to taste the sour lemon which they all puckered in silly delight.  As I squeezed the rest of the lemons we produced a bowl of lemon juice with many seeds.  I told them we needed to strain the juice to remove the seeds.  Each child took a turn pouring the juice into the strainer.  We then added sugar and everyone helped stir the sweet concoction.  We then brought out the blender and added our sweet juice along with ice cubes.  The children took turns turning on and off the blender and experimenting with low and high speeds.  Alexandra held her ears from the loud noise of our mixing.  We then got to enjoy a sweet slurp of lemon granita lemonade!  I think the process of making the lemonade was more fun than the end product as many children didn't like the cold lemony treat!  They enjoyed a few sips then went on their way to another adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Robin! You're doing an AMAZING job with the blog. I love reading about all the activities the kids are doing and especially love the pictures! Whenever I'm missing Ben at work I just go to the blog and read about what he's been up to. We are all so lucky to have you watch/teach/nurture our kids...big thanks!
