Rock and Roll Marble Painting!

     Today we rocked and rolled with our marble painting!  The children worked as a group holding a plastic bin which we placed paper and paints on the bottom.  The children added marbles and then let them roll! Everyone held on tight rocking the bin back and forth.  They tried different angles letting the little marbles make their marks as they glided through the different colored paints.  They tried hopping the balls as they made the bin hop up and down!  Everyone worked together producing beautiful works of art.  They liked how the marbles left tracks and squiggles that resembled worms.  We tried to encourage Caleb to join in on our fun but he was a happy bystander avoiding the paint!  As you know it is always the process of how we paint and not the product as to what is important here at Little Sprouts.  The children had as much fun cleaning our little marbles under water and cleansing them from the paint.  They meticulously cleaned and dried each one and set them out to dry on a towel.   I encouraged a little practice counting in the clean-up process as Alexandra and Rylan practiced simple counting their marbles which they took pride in washing!   What a fun way to get our bodies moving, work socially together, and create beautiful works of art!

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