Q-Tip Stained Glass

     The children enjoyed painting with Q-tips over wax paper today.  I had cut out frames to lay the wax paper in the middle to give 2 different painting textures.  The children glided their Q-tips over the paper picking different colors from our paint pots.  Many squiggles and lines were made in the process.  Soon hands and faces were painted and the children enjoyed the soft sensory feel of the Q-tips.  Many Q-tips were collected and used in unison to paint their papers and body.  A rainbow of colors emerged on their papers as Q-tips moved from one paint pot to the next.  The painting was only part of the fun.  Cleaning our paint pots and Q-tips was even more fun!  Q-tips were meticulously cleaned and paint pots were scrubbed with soap and sponge.  Alexandra collected all the precious Q-tips and placed them in the clean paint pots organizing in her own way.  Even Caleb joined in on our clean-up and enjoyed rinsing the Q-tips and getting his hands wet.  We let our painting dry then hung them in the windows.  The paint on the wax paper shining through the windows gave a pretty opaque finish to our framed art.

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